Top 10
The Fridge Magnet Fixture winner this week, with all 6 winners and a margin of only 2 is Gai Williams totally smashing the second place Jeffrey Skinner and Steve Benoit by 1 margin point with Raymond Stanyer a further margin point away in fourth place.
A total of 18 people had 6 winners this week with a further 28 people on 5 winners, where was this action last week when we needed it for "Pick 5"?
Overall after Round 13.
Mark White (from BFF) with his solid tipping all year has worn down John Robertson has hit the lead in the overall stakes but only by a better margin (a much better margin) from Jan Clarke and Wayne Reid. As usual a hard fought battle in the Top Ten Overall. This week will be no different.
NEWSFLASH: The boys have fought back back with 6 in the Top Ten over the girls 4.
Top 10
Mary Anne Huggins wins the Fridge Magnet Fixture winner this week, with all 5 winners and a margin of only 3 beating John Robertson and Kent Huggins by margin only.
Overall after Round 14.
John Robertson took back the Top Spot again this week from Mark White and Jan Clarke close.
NEWSFLASH: Still 6 boys in the Top Ten, pick your game up girls! oops did I say that out loud?
Top 10
Des Powell wins the Fridge Magnet Fixture winner this week, with 8 winners and a margin of 8 beating the "back to form" Keryn Miller with 7 winners also with 7 winners were David Shean, David Ellis and Rohdan Peeler. An honourable mention goes to our junior superstar Owen Delaney who picked the exact margin and had 6 winners.
Overall after Round 15.
The Top 3 John Robertson, Mark White and Jan Clarke stayed as they were although Jan gained one win on the Top 2, and Tee Jensen got her 4th place back but only on margin from 7 others on 81 wins.
NEWSFLASH: Boys vs girls, the status quo is back to even, stay calm everyone.
Top 10
Jodi Graham easily wins the Fridge Magnet Fixture this week, with a perfect 9 winners and a margin of 8 beating the now "in form" Keryn Miller with 8 winners and a margin of 4 and Des Powell with 7 winners and margin of 3, 11 others had 6 winners this week.
Overall after Round 16.
The Top 2 are still John Robertson and Mark White but Jan Clarke slipped to fourth with Keryn Miller having a better overall margin. Jodi Graham's perfect pushed her back into the Top Ten at 7th place and is one of the 7 people on 86 winners for the year. What is Round 17 going to bring, massive changes I think, again.
Boys vs Girls: All even in the Top Ten..